Pet Saftey

Common Pet Toxins: What To Look Out For

Nov 6 • 1 minute read

Toxic substances are everywhere and pet owners need to know what can be potentially harmful for their pet. Rollin’ Vets is here to provide you with the most current and up-to-date resources regarding toxic substances. Save this information so you can ensure your pet’s optimal safety and keep your worries at bay. 

First and foremost, if you believe your pet has been poisoned, call the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center for any animal poison-related emergency, 24/7, 365 days a year: (888) 426-4435.

Fatal Poisons

Antifreeze, Snail/Slug Bait, Mouse/Rat Bait, Prescription Medications

Toxic Plants

Amaryllis bulbs, Tulip bulbs, Asparagus fern, Azalea, Cyclamen, Daffodil bulbs, Day Lilies, Delphiniums, Foxgloves, Hemlock, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Ivy, Laburnum, Lily of the Valley, Lupins, Marijuana, Morning Glory, Nightshade, Oleander, Rhododendron, Rhubarb leaves, Sago Palm, Sweet pea, Umbrella plant, wild mushrooms, Wisteria, Yew

Toxic Foods

Alcohol, blue cheese, caffeinated drinks, chewing gum, chives, chocolate, garlic, grapes, leeks, macadamia nuts, mouldy foods, onions, raisins, raw bread dough, shallot, sugar/sweets (in large amounts), Xylitol

Toxic Medications

Anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, Aspirin, blood pressure medications, diabetes medications, heart medications, Ibuprofen/other non-steroidals, oral contraceptives, Paracetamol, psoriasis creams, sleep aids

Toxic Household Items

Antifreeze, batteries, carbon monoxide, chlorine-based bleaches, nicotine products, creosote, dishwasher salt/tablets, drain cleaner, fertilisers, fuels, gloss paints, insecticides, kettle descalers, metal polishes, oven cleaners, potpourri, rodenticides, waterproofing sprays

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