Pet Care

Is Your Cat Smarter Than You?

Apr 11 • 2 minute read


Okay, your cat might not actually be SMARTER than you, but chances are your feline friend is pretty darn intelligent. Cats have a reputation for being independent and sometimes aloof, but the truth is that our feline companions are intelligent creatures that often outsmart their humans. Here are seven times cats proved that they're smarter than their humans. 

  1. finding the warmest spot in the house

    Cats are experts at finding the warmest spot in the house, whether it's a sunny windowsill, a cozy blanket, or a heat vent. They know how to stay comfortable and warm, even on those rare cold Texas days.

  2. solving puzzles

    Cats are natural problem solvers, and they love puzzles that challenge their minds. Whether it's a puzzle feeder or a treat-dispensing toy, they know how to use their paws and claws to get the reward they crave. 

  3. playing hide & seek

    Cats love to play hide and seek, and they're great at finding the best hiding spots. They can sneak up on their humans from behind a curtain, under a bed, or in a closet, surprising them with their cleverness. Come on, who hasn’t been scared at least once by their sneaky kitty? 

  4. grooming themselves

    Ever taken your cat to the groomer? Probably not. That’s because cats are fastidious groomers, and they know how to keep their fur clean and well-maintained. They can spend hours grooming themselves, using their paws and tongues to keep their fur soft and shiny. 

  5. opening doors

    Wondering how that door opened? Your cat may be to blame! Cats are masters of getting into places they shouldn't be, and that includes opening doors. They can easily figure out how to turn a doorknob or push a door open with their paws, leaving their human scratching their head in amazement. 

  6. knowing when to cuddle

    Contrary to popular belief, cats actually are affectionate! Cats have an innate sense of when their humans need a cuddle, and are always there to provide comfort and affection. 

  7. climbing to new heights

    Cats are natural climbers, and they know how to scale tall furniture, bookshelves, and even curtains with ease. They're also skilled at finding the highest spot in the room to keep an eye on their surroundings. Definitely no fear of heights here!

Do you have a smart cat? Tell us about it here, and we’ll feature it on social media! 

It is time to get that smart kitty of yours updated on exams and vaccines? Click the link below to book your appointment with us!


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